Good on You

Good on You is fashion's most trusted directory for sustainability and authenticity as it compares how well brands address their impacts on people, the planet, and animals.
The ANJELMS Project have received a 'Great' rating on the Good on You directory - the highest rating available.
Good on You’s brand ratings give you the power to see through the greenwashing on everything from greenhouse gas emissions and water use to worker safety, living wages, and animal welfare. They base their research on publicly reported information on the most critical sustainability issues and then present it in clear and accessible ratings anyone can understand.
Everything they do is based on transparency, starting with the data they source all the way from the start of the supply chain, to the finished, packed and posted product.
We are so happy with our ‘Great' rating as people and planet are at the core of our values. This recognition is also a push for us to continue to find ways to improve all our practices from minimising wastage to empowering more individuals by giving educational and work program opportunities.
We inspire people to make choices towards positive change with our future in mind and Good on You is an essential platform to help you make up your own mind.

If you want to learn more about Good on You and The ANJELMS Project visit our page on their website here.